Letter #122

Wikileaks Exposes Our Muslim President I am by no means a fan of the damage being done to our country by Wikileaks. But one thing that came to light due to their revelations was that President Obama instructed the U.S. Embassy in London to do all it could to empower Islam throughout the United Kingdom.…

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Letter #121

Watch for the “January Surprise” Everyone is rejoicing about the recent elections which were devastating to Der Fuhrer’s political party and intents. I am also happy to see the “Socialist Workers Party” (Democrats) lose some power but I never forget what happened just one year ago. Last Nov., in off-year minor elections, the Democrats lost…

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Letter #120

Vote Him Out? I truly do hope next month’s elections turn our country in a more favorable direction than it has been going under the leadership of the Communist Party, USA. But I must admit I am apprehensive, at best. Obama is a Muslim. Obama is a Kenyan. Obama is a communist. Do you realize…

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Letter #119

Another Computer Created Dinosaur The greatest boon to the teaching of evolution was “Jurassic Park.” Now, Bible rejecters don’t need to discover a new “missing link” they only have to generate one in their imagination and then their computer makes it a “fact.” (Seeing is believing.) Desperate to put fur on a dinosaur, evolutionists have…

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Letter #118

Like you, I have been following the “continuing drama” of the oil leak in the Gulf. When I heard an oil platform blew up my mind immediately went back 22 years. Twenty-two years ago I was having lunch in Norfolk, VA, with a Navy SEAL. During our conversation I said, “So you guys train and…

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Letter #117

Is God Fighting for America? No one would have believed that just one year after the News Mafia anointed “messiah” took office that the seemingly unstoppable tyrant would be so devastated by current events. You can call the Nov. Republican upsets no more than anti-Obama backlash, but no one would have believed a year ago…

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Letter #116

Obama’s True Color All you have to do to see the true color of Der Fuhrer is to monitor his actions. He consistently acts in favor of dictators, Communists and Muslims. Because he hates Christianity, like all Muslims, he refused to join in our National Day of Prayer. But he prayed with a group of…

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Letter #115

Yet Another Traitor Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is doing a great job… for our enemies! When the Government first purchased the F-22 fighter for the Air Force they promised to buy 361…to replace over 700 F-15s. Now Gates has canceled the F-22 with only 187 in the inventory. The Defense Department also signed on…

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Letter #114

Obama Wages All-out War…on US! Comrade Obama is waging war on the military of the nation he hates with all his power, the United States of America! Below are just some of the recent or upcoming attacks on those who preserve our lives and freedom: Afghanistan – There are new Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan.…

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Letter #113

The Wisdom of Ronald Reagan “Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.” “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if…

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