Letters from a Friend
Letter #139
“The …reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, …to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” Thomas Jefferson Birds of a Feather… The supreme act of treason perpetrated against this country by President Obama releasing five of his fellow Muslim terrorists in return for the recovery of another terrorist,…
Read MoreLetter #138
You Know You’re Old When: 1. The Beatles have become easy listening 2. You see a 1964 Mustang and the license plate reads “Antique Car.” 3. Your children think Roy Rogers is famous for his fried chicken. 4. You once owned a windup wristwatch. 5. Your family once owned a black & white TV without…
Read MoreLetter #142
Cutting Gasoline Usage Without Crippling the Private Car Owner The technology for natural gas or full electric vehicles is growing. But converting the entire fleet of the nation’s private cars to natural gas or electric presents a massive undertaking. The cost of every major automobile manufacturer tooling up to build electric cars will be absolutely…
Read MoreLetter #137
The Truly Abused Minority There is a minority in our country who have been taken advantage of by all of us, robbed by our government and have no valid way to address their grievances. That group is the U. S. Military. They are sent all over the world to fight our wars and do so…
Read MoreLetter #136
The United States, a Nation of Religious Fanatics The USA is a nation of religious fanatics. That’s right, fewer people regularly attend church now than at any time in our nation’s history and yet Americans are more religious than any time in our history. In an attempt to “fake” the true spirituality they have abandoned…
Read MoreLetter #135
Why Are There “Third World” Nations? If evolution is true then all civilizations started at the same time. So why are there “Third World” countries? Why have Christian, European-modeled societies outstripped the rest of the world in development? Why have these societies been the ones that have advanced the cause of Mankind while pagan societies…
Read MoreLetter #134
Mouth-breather Alert! Mouth-breather Alert! You can safely start calling the movie star, Matt Damon, Matt “Dumb One.” Like most of Hollywood’s elitist royalty “Dumb One” lives in a pampered, make-believe world that is totally out of touch with the real one. Thus, all movie stars want to espouse a “cause” so they can convince themselves…
Read MoreLetter #133
It’s the Constitution, Stupid! The United States of America is defined by the Constitution. The greatest power in the country is not the President (Would someone please tell “The Beast!”), Congress or the Supreme Court. Those three branches of our government get their power from the Constitution but they are not more powerful than the…
Read MoreLetter #132
A Serious Question Does Obama even know an honest person? His Attorney General sold guns to Mexican gangsters (“Birds of a feather?”) and lied to Congress about it. His Sec. of the Treasury cheated (YES! That’s what the IRS would call it if it was you or me.) His UN Secretary lied about the Benghazi…
Read MoreLetter #131
Why Roberts Did It No one can seem to figure out why Supreme Court Justice Roberts sold the whole country out and changed his vote to secure a great victory for The Beast. The News Mafia claims it was an attempt to get them to say something positive about him. If that’s what they’re saying…
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