How Watergate Destroyed the United States

The Watergate break-in is old history now. Unfortunately, we all think the worst thing that was done was the violation of Democratic headquarters. Nope, the worst thing that happened was the Liberals in the News Mafia increased their power over American society tenfold. They attacked Nixon like rabid dogs and succeeded in forcing him from…

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There Was NEVER a “Patriotic” News Media

We have all seen copies of the headlines found on the newspapers across the country on Dec. 8, 1941,…“Japs Attack Pearl Harbor!” in which the Japanese were vilified for their cowardly, unprovoked attack. We have also all witnessed today’s News Media bend over backward to justify Muslims for their cowardly attack and instead shift the…

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We LOST, Deal With It!

Across the country, people are still shocked and stunned that the Muslim was re-elected President. They cannot believe that, in light of the fact that this man buried us in a terminal national debt, has excused every Muslim terrorist’s action, failed to act in the best interests of the United States, shackled us with his…

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It was ALWAYS the Theater

When the Bible first entered Europe it entered a continent of barbaric tribes steeped in heathenism. Once it took root it drove out the darkness of heathenism and replaced it with the biblical worship of God, the Creator. Morality replaced immorality. Order replaced chaos. Peace replaced violence. And…GOD replaced the devil in the hearts of…

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Everybody Wants to Party

During the 40+ years I’ve been preaching I have witnessed a great many changes in the churches of our country. Cry as they may that the Bible is their guide for life the influence of television is more and more evident in the lives of our people. Christians…Bible-believing Christians have absorbed the subliminal message of…

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The Collapse of Character

Our moral values, our character, are outgrowths of our upbringing. In the early days of this country our government showed the proper respect for the Bible and its positive effect on mankind. Our people went to churches where even the doctrinally unsound still taught a level of moral living and hard work. Although sin and…

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Anti-Bullying Hypocrisy Exposed

We go to war in Libya to “stop a dictator from murdering thousands of his subjects” then do nothing in Syria while “a dictator murders thousands of his subjects.” This is just one example of the hypocrisy of the “peace loving” politicians of the world whose real motives all center around an agenda that only…

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There is No “King James Bible Controversy”

For forty-one years I have been preaching and actively defending God’s perfect Bible, the King James Bible. There have been many books written both denigrating and defending this noble Book. Preachers have parted company over it. King James advocates have called its critics, “apostates,” “Bible-correctors” and other names. Opponents of the King James Bible have…

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Stop the Bullying

We make statues to honor noble and virtuous people. Liberals live in homes with statues of themselves in every room. They do this because they can think of no one nobler or more virtuous than…themselves. They talk about caring for the poor. They talk about hating war. They talk about disliking “hate speech.” They talk,…

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You Can’t Take It! (Neither Can I)

Because we were all raised on the unrealistic world of television, all Americans have a truly unrealistic view of life. We have watched TV heroes get beaten to a pulp and then stand up and win the battle they’re fighting. We have watched “the Good Guys” sleep out in the elements and awake refreshed. We…

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