Blessed (or Cursed) by Godverment

When the true God of the Bible blesses or “anoints” someone or something it flourishes. When he retracts that blessing it/they fall on hard times. God anointed the Jews as His people and His blessing on the Jews has been evident over the centuries in spite of the multitude of attempts to wipe them off…

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I Wish Obama Was Black

We all know that our Kenyan president is half-black and half-white. I wish he was completely black. Why? Well, I, like all Americans, have been carefully and repeatedly taught through the News Media, Hollywood and public education that Blacks never do anything wrong, only white people are bad. In fact, if a black person does…

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Last Days, Last Chance

In October of 2009, while in Portland, Oregon, a man showed me a video on his computer. It was a computer generated film of Jack Chick’s tract, The Sissy. It wasn’t Pixar quality but I was stunned! It was the most graphic witness I’d ever seen. Then I heard the story behind the video. A…

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What Happened to Thanksgiving?

When I was a kid there were three holidays we looked forward to once school started; Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. These three days were valued in the order they came; Halloween was just a fun night when we went Trick-or-treating; Thanksgiving was the family getting together around a turkey dinner and remembering all God had…

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How They Did It

In the last few years we have watched in confusion as men’s earrings, tattoos and vampires have literally taken over our nation seemingly overnight, without warning. How did the World pull this off without us seeing it coming? The fact is, we did see it. We watched it happening for fifty years. This “heathenization” of…

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Do You Want an Escape Pod?

I have endeavored not to be an alarmist. I didn’t jump onboard with the Y2K panic. I don’t spend my time trying to uncover all the conspiracies involved in the false pricing of Twinkies. Here is the view I take. I have always believed in the adage: “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.”…

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Deadly Myths We’ve all Been Told

A myth is an untruth that is accepted as the truth. They can be deadly. The myth that draining a sick person’s blood from them would heal them killed many a sick individual who probably would have recovered if left alone. There are many myths alive and well in our society today. Some of these…

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Up, Down or Average?

Generally, there are three ways that all people dress; “up,” “down” and “average.” For the sake of this essay we are excluding job-related “work clothes” since those differ with every job; from Burger King to the mechanic, to the businessman. “Work clothes” are not clothes of choice but required clothing, therefore they are not related…

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Not the Words of Sam Gipp

Dr. Sam Vaknin is an Israeli psychologist. He has written extensively about narcissism. Dr. Vaknin states “I must confess I was impressed by Sen. Barack Obama from the first time I saw him. At first, I was excited to see a black candidate. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident – a wholesome…

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