Essays & Ideas
“God Hates America!”
Essay #115 It doesn’t take a genius to see that our country is in dire peril. Evil people (call them: Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, Progressives, Communists, ANTIFA or anything else, they all fit) are bent on setting up a communist dictatorship in this country. They don’t care what they have to destroy or who they have…
Read More70 Years of Red Herrings
Essay #114 Imagine a local Law Enforcement Officer shows up at your door one day and says, “Look across the street.” There across the street stands your neighbor, shotgun in hand, shaking his fist at you and pointing at his gun & then at you! The policeman continues, “He said he’s going to kill you.…
Read MoreTreasure Valley Baptist Institute
Treasure Valley Baptist Bible Institute During the evening service on Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019, Pastor Rick DeMichele appointed me as the president of Treasure Valley Baptist Bible Institute. He has been president for over 30 years. No, his health isn’t failing. He pastors a church of over 1,000 people and does a tremendous job of…
Read MoreThe War That NO ONE Will Win
I believe that only a miracle from God will save our country from a civil war. You may not agree but it is obvious that the hatred Obama spawned during his time in the White House has infected all Americans, conservative and liberal alike. Both sides are angry and possess a desire to hurt and…
Read MoreHow They Did It
In the last few years we have watched in confusion as men’s earrings, tattoos and vampires have literally taken over our nation seemingly overnight, without warning. How did the World pull this off without us seeing it coming? The fact is, we did see it. We watched it happening for fifty years. This “heathenization” of…
Read MoreWill the 3rd American Revolution Succeed?
No, the spoiled, unspanked, socialist college punks trying to burn down the country are NOT trying to start the 3rd Revolution. They represent the 2nd Revolution. We who want to “Make America Great Again” are the representatives of the 3rd American Revolution. Here’s what happened: The 1st American Revolution: 1776-1783 Other than recent public high…
Read MoreThe Man Who Changed History, for the Worse
Few people have done something that has altered the course of history. Most of those who have done so immediately stand out. They were men like Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Adolph Hitler. Some of these men can be described as good and some bad, but they can all be labeled by the modern…
Read MoreThis May Be the End!
America has been descending into Hell so fast that every election for the past several have been described as, “The most important of our time.”, “A matter of survival” or any number of desperate sounding themes. I don’t believe anyone was exaggerating to get support for their candidate. The Democrats have offered continually more leftist…
Read MoreThe Big Three
No, I’m not talking about the former “Big Three” automakers which are a thing of the past. I am talking about the three biggest things you can do to help yourself spiritually in this present evil world. I count myself greatly blessed to preach in the churches I preach in. I say that because I…
Read MoreThis Election
For as long as I can remember both Democrats & Republicans have said, “This is the most important election in the history of our country!” about whatever election it happened to be. I believe this election is very important but not the “…most important election in the history of our country!” Why? Because I believe…
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