Posts by Samuel C. Gipp
August 2020
Meetings Because of COVID I lost all my meetings from the second week of March to Sept except one. Up to the cancellations I preached in MI, OH, ID, KY, WV and TX. The country dissolved while I was in Texas! I’ve been able to piece together a July-August schedule that consists of two 4-day…
Read MoreLetter #155
Just a word This letter is entitled “Letter From a Friend.” I am hoping it is also a letter TO a Friend. I will be very frank with you and will be asking you for something. If you think it’s money, you’re wrong. Since we moved to Idaho & I took over the Bible institute…
Read MoreJanuary 2020
Dear Friends, Well, 2019 is “In the Books” and here’s how it went for us. Meetings In 2019 I preached 152 times in 54 separate meetings. I preached in: Ohio, Michigan, Washington DC, Maryland, Montana, New York, Maine, Wyoming, Iowa, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana, Hawaii, Arkansas, South Carolina, Canada and numerous times in Idaho.…
Read MoreLetter #154
Red Flag About the “Red Flag” Liberals never give up on their goals. One of their goals is to disarm America so they are free to institute a communist dictatorship here. Thwarted from confiscating our guns by the genius of our Founding Fathers in giving us the Second Amendment they are ever trying to think…
Read MoreAugust 2019
Dear Friends, Meetings Summer is almost over. We will soon be back in Meridian for the start of Bible Institute. Since our last letter I’ve preached in: Connecticut, New York, Idaho, West Virginia and Canada. We’ve heard numerous testimonies of changed lives for Christ. Books The 4th Edition of An Understandable History of the Bible…
Read More“God Hates America!”
Essay #115 It doesn’t take a genius to see that our country is in dire peril. Evil people (call them: Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, Progressives, Communists, ANTIFA or anything else, they all fit) are bent on setting up a communist dictatorship in this country. They don’t care what they have to destroy or who they have…
Read MoreJune 2019
We graduated our students on May 19 and the next day Kathy & I took off for our 2019 Summer preaching tour in the East. We headed for Laramie, WY (800 mi.), then to Cedar Rapids, IA (880 mi.) and then 700 miles into Ohio. We’ll do a circuit of the east & head back…
Read MoreLetter #153
Have You Forgotten That You’re Dying? We have all heard the famous line from the Christian song, “Only one life, soon will be past, only what’s done, for Christ will last.” So, you’re dying. One of these days you’ll clutch your chest and be in front of the Lord before they get your body to…
Read More70 Years of Red Herrings
Essay #114 Imagine a local Law Enforcement Officer shows up at your door one day and says, “Look across the street.” There across the street stands your neighbor, shotgun in hand, shaking his fist at you and pointing at his gun & then at you! The policeman continues, “He said he’s going to kill you.…
Read MoreJanuary 2019
Dear Friends, Another year has gone by & the Lord hasn’t come back yet! Nope! I’m not discouraged or disheartened. It just gives us more time to serve the Lord. Meetings We finished up 2018 with the following statistics. In 2018 I preached 214 times in 46 different churches. I preached in: Ohio, Michigan, Alabama, Mississippi,…
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