Posts by Samuel C. Gipp
Letter 163
What Happened to Them? Over the years I remember some really high-profile Christian men who had very high-profile ministriesand a great number of followers. There was Bob Harrington, “The Chaplain of Bourbon Street;” Johnny Todd, the converted witch; Bill Gothard and his “Basic Youth Conflicts” are just a few. I feel no animosity for these…
Read MoreJune 2023
Dear Friends, Meetings Since our last newsletter I’ve preached in Iowa, Mississippi, Idaho, Tennessee, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Texas and Missouri. The meetings have been well attended with, in some cases, the largest attendance-to-date for some of the churches. We conducted our TVBBI graduation on Sunday night, May 21. Then Kathy and I drove…
Read MoreFebruary 2023
Meetings In this last year I preached 156 times in Virginia, New York, California, Michigan, Ohio, Washington, Arizona, Tennessee, Montana, North Carolina and Idaho. The meetings have been well attended and seemed to be a help to the churches. We drove to some of them and flew to others. I literally flew all the way…
Read MoreIt Might be Too Late
I love this country and have all my life. Even when I was lost I was a patriot. I never held any bad feeling for my country. I have prayed everyday for years for God to save it from the fate it deserves. I know of many Christians who can hardly wait for God to…
Read MoreOctober 2022
Meetings Since our last letter I’ve preached in: Washington, Tennessee, Montana, Arizona, California, Florida, North Carolina, New York and Idaho. The meetings have gone exceptionally well with a very good spirit and some positive decisions made for the Lord. Most were Revival meetings but some were King James Conferences where Christians didn’t just learn why…
Read MoreProtect Your Children!
Christians have been certain that the Lord is returning “in the next two years” since I got saved back in 1970. Because of this they have neglected long-term plans for anything since “we’ll soon be gone.” I still believe the Lord’s return is imminent, but I’m not letting that stop me from scheduling meetings 8…
Read MoreLetter 161
Quit Dancing! Start Praying! I have always Christians weren’t supposed to dance. Yet I have watch so many of them”dancing” a victory dance over victory we haven’t experienced yet, the November “Red Wave!” I hear conservatives and Christian boasting over a victory they haven’t had talking about the “changes we’re going to make when after…
Read MoreLetter 160
Just Wait Till the Mid-terms! I disdain people who feel a need to dash any hope that folks may have. I know our real hope is the return of Christ but while we’re down here we need some good news every now and then. The last two years have not only been bad news but…
Read MoreBut We Might Be Wrong!
No one ever likes to admit they’re wrong. In fact human pride is so great we don’t even like to entertain the thought that we could be wrong about something. Recent events in our nation: The fake pandemic, the stolen election, the open borders, the free reign of terror allowed to BLM and Antifa have…
Read MoreApril 2022
Dear Friends, Meetings Since our last letter I’ve preached in: Michigan, Ohio, California, Idaho and Washington. I had been a little lax in scheduling the Spring of 2022 so there wasn’t much traveling. The meetings all went well. The last week of March we held a “Students’ Bible Conference” at Igleasia Baptista de Mountain Home…
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