Treasure Valley Baptist Institute

Treasure Valley Baptist Bible Institute During the evening service on Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019, Pastor Rick DeMichele appointed me as the president of Treasure Valley Baptist Bible Institute. He has been president for over 30 years. No, his health isn’t failing. He pastors a church of over 1,000 people and does a tremendous job of…

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Letter #152

Watch Out for Your Neighbor! Imagine you get a visit from your local Police Dept. tomorrow. The officer tells you to beware of the neighbor across the street because he has said he wants to kill you. Sure enough, you look and there he is, holding his shotgun and shaking his fist at you! The…

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The War That NO ONE Will Win

I believe that only a miracle from God will save our country from a civil war. You may not agree but it is obvious that the hatred Obama spawned during his time in the White House has infected all Americans, conservative and liberal alike. Both sides are angry and possess a desire to hurt and…

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Letter #151

Is He Doing it On Purpose? It is obvious to see that Roger Goodell is destroying the NFL. I have always believed that General Motors was attacked from without and sabotaged from within. The phony gas crisis of the 1970s was not designed to make oil companies rich. They were already rich. It was done…

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The Answer Book – Appendix #2

Appendix #2 GLOSSARY OF TEXT NAMES ANTIOCH Antiochian Text Byzantine Text Syrian Text Majority Text Universal Text Reformation Text Imperial Text Traditional Text Textus Receptus ALEXANDRIA Alexandrian Text Egyptian Text Local Text Hesychian Text Minority Text

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The Answer Book – Appendix #1

Appendix #1 JOHN 21:15-17 – AGAPE vs PHILEO I – Comparison: How Jesus used AGAPE and PHILEO. A 1. Luke 11:42 the love of God A 2. John 5:42 the love of God P 3. Matt 10:37 He that loveth father or mother A 4. Rev 3:9 to know that I have loved P 5.…

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62. King James Bible is the infallible Word of God

QUESTION #62: I’m convinced that the King James Bible is the infallible Word of God. Now what should I do? ANSWER: Act like you believe it. EXPLANATION: If you REALLY believe that the Bible (AV 1611) is the infallible, perfect word of God, you will first begin to READ IT. There is no excuse for…

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