February 2025
Dear Friends, Meetings In 2024 I preached in: Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Idaho, Tennessee, Oklahoma, New York, Washington, California, Illinois, Virginia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Nevada, Texas, New Jersey, West Virginia, Alabama, Florida, and Canada. During our summer driving tour we drove 9,000 miles and flew 10,000 miles. Heading for Las Vegas we dumped the…
Read MoreSeptember 2024
Meetings Since our last letter I have preached in: Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, Idaho, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Nevada and Canada. The two meetings in Canada are the first international meetings since COVID. There were no restrictions. I am planning an international circuit of about four countries and 6 or 7 weeks in the Pacific…
Read MoreMay 2024
Meetings I was in such a rush to get the last letter out that I didn’t report on 2023. In 2023 I traveled 38,000 miles. (That’s what my phone said. I don’t know if that includes driving miles.) Last year I preached 198 times in 124 appointments in: Tennessee, Ohio, Oklahoma, Idaho, New York, California,…
Read MoreJune 2023
Dear Friends, Meetings Since our last newsletter I’ve preached in Iowa, Mississippi, Idaho, Tennessee, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Texas and Missouri. The meetings have been well attended with, in some cases, the largest attendance-to-date for some of the churches. We conducted our TVBBI graduation on Sunday night, May 21. Then Kathy and I drove…
Read MoreFebruary 2023
Meetings In this last year I preached 156 times in Virginia, New York, California, Michigan, Ohio, Washington, Arizona, Tennessee, Montana, North Carolina and Idaho. The meetings have been well attended and seemed to be a help to the churches. We drove to some of them and flew to others. I literally flew all the way…
Read MoreOctober 2022
Meetings Since our last letter I’ve preached in: Washington, Tennessee, Montana, Arizona, California, Florida, North Carolina, New York and Idaho. The meetings have gone exceptionally well with a very good spirit and some positive decisions made for the Lord. Most were Revival meetings but some were King James Conferences where Christians didn’t just learn why…
Read MoreApril 2022
Dear Friends, Meetings Since our last letter I’ve preached in: Michigan, Ohio, California, Idaho and Washington. I had been a little lax in scheduling the Spring of 2022 so there wasn’t much traveling. The meetings all went well. The last week of March we held a “Students’ Bible Conference” at Igleasia Baptista de Mountain Home…
Read MoreJanuary 2022
Dear Friends, Meetings In 2021 I preached 179 times in 43 appointments. I preached in Colorado, Mississippi, Oregon, Florida, Oklahoma, Alaska, Texas, Nevada, Washington, Idaho, California and Montana, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio. The meetings have been well attended and we’ve seen folks saved and Christians getting some things squared away with the Lord. Once again…
Read MoreAugust 2021
Dear Friends, Meetings Since our last letter I’ve preached in Mississippi, Oregon, California, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas, Ohio and Alaska. The meetings have been well attended and I believe folks got some help in their efforts to live for Christ. While in Pt. Hope, AK, we had a young Eskimo couple saved. Because of…
Read MoreFebruary 2021
Dear Friends, Meetings During my first meeting in March the Covid shutdown hit and I lost all my meetings up to August. My meetings in Canada, Australia and the Arctic were casualties of the shutdown. Then, I only had one meeting-per-month from September to December. In 2020 I preached only101 times in 19 different churches.…
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