53. Should we make an issue of Bible translations?

QUESTION #53: Should we make an issue of Bible translations? ANSWER: Only if you believe anything out of it. EXPLANATION: Many Christians attempt to evade the issue of whether of not there really is a perfect Bible (as they are told from the pulpit) by piously hiding behind the statement, “I don’t make an issue…

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51. Is it “Progressive Revelation” to believe the KJV is to be trusted more than the originals?

QUESTION #51: Isn’t it “Progressive Revelation” to believe that the King James Bible is to be trusted more than the originals? ANSWER: No. EXPLANATION: The term “Progressive Revelation” is another one of those tactics used by Bible critics to intimidate Bible believers into surrendering their faith in God’s perfect Bible. Their argument is: “Inspiration ended…

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49. Were the King James translators Episcopalian baby sprinklers?

QUESTION #49: Is it true that the King James translators were nothing but a bunch of Episcopalian baby sprinklers? ANSWER: No. EXPLANATION: The company of men who did the translating of the Authorized Version was made up of Bible-believing men from both the Anglican and Puritan churches. Their character and qualifications have been attested earlier.…

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46. What is a Ruckmanite?

QUESTION #46: What is a “Ruckmanite?” ANSWER: “Ruckmanite” is a name Bible critics call anyone who disagrees with them. EXPLANATION: Peter Sturges Ruckman was born in 1921. He has spent years studying the manuscript history of the Bible. He received his doctorate in philosophy from Bob Jones University. He has personally founded or helped to…

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