The Answer Book
34. Didn’t the first King James Bible contain the Apocrypha?
QUESTION #34: Didn’t the King James Bible when first printed contain the Apocrypha? ANSWER: Yes. EXPLANATION: Many critics of the perfect Bible like to point out that the original King James had the Apocrypha in it as though that fact compromises its integrity. But several things must be examined to get the factual picture. First,…
Read More33. Isn’t the Holy Spirit incorrectly called “it” in Romans 8:26 in the KJV?
QUESTION #33: Isn’t the Holy Spirit incorrectly called “it” in Romans 8:26 in the King James Bible’? ANSWER: No. There is nothing wrong with the translation of “pneuma” in Roman 8:26. EXPLANATION: The refutation of this popular though feeble charge against the integrity of the Bible comes from three sources. First, the Greek language itself,…
Read More32. If the King James is really perfect, how can so many scholars be wrong?
QUESTION #32: If the King James is really perfect, how can so many preachers and scholars be wrong about it? ANSWER: The majority is ALWAYS wrong. EXPLANATION: In Matthew 7:13, 14 Jesus points out a great Bible truth. The majority of the population will not get saved. “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for…
Read More31. How can any Bible be bad if it contains the fundamentals?
QUESTION #31: I can still find the fundamentals in other bibles. So how can they be bad? ANSWER: Any fundamental found in any version is found purer or more frequently in the King James Bible thus making the King James Bible the best of the field. EXPLANATION: Most people who claim to be able to…
Read More30. Can a translation be as good as the originals?
QUESTION #30: The King James Bible is a mere translation from Greek to English. A translation can’t be as good as the originals, can it? ANSWER: A translation cannot only be “as good” as the originals, but better. EXPLANATION: There are three “translations” spoken of in the Bible. In all three cases, the translation referred…
Read More29. Can a translation be inspired?
QUESTION #29: Can a translation be inspired? ANSWER: Yes, God has inspired several. EXPLANATION: In the Book of Genesis, chapters 42-45, we have the record of Joseph’s reunion with his brethren. That Joseph spoke Egyptian instead of Hebrew is evident by Genesis 42:23. “And they knew not that Joseph understood them; for he spake unto…
Read More28. Is the King James Bible inspired or preserved?
QUESTION #28: Is the King James Bible inspired or preserved? ANSWER: The original autographs were inspired. The King James Bible is those same autographs preserved up to today. EXPLANATION: The best way to simply describe inspiration and preservation of the Bible is as follows: Inspiration is when God takes a blank piece of paper (papyrus,…
Read More27. Do Christians who use other Bibles hate God?
QUESTION #27: Do Christians and Preachers who use other bibles “hate God?” ANSWER: No, although some may abhor the thought of being in subjection to “a Book.” EXPLANATION: In Mark 9:38-41 we find the disciples upset with someone who did not “follow ” them. Yet the Lord told them to leave the man alone. God…
Read More26. Will a Bible college education clear controversy over a perfect Bible?
QUESTION #26: Will a Bible college education clear up the controversy over the issue of a perfect Bible’? ANSWER: No. About ninety-nine out of one hundred times a Bible college education will either confuse or destroy a student’s faith in the perfect Bible. EXPLANATION: There are many benefits to a Bible college education. A student…
Read More25. What’s the difference between a “TR” man and a “KJV” man?
QUESTION #25: What is the difference between a “Textus Receptus Man” and a “King James Man?” ANSWER: A “TR Man” gets his manuscripts from Antioch and his philosophy from Egypt. EXPLANATION: Under Question #8 concerning Alexandria and Antioch it was pointed out that we derive two things from each of these locations. We derive manuscripts…
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