21. Don’t King James Bible believers “worship” the Bible?

QUESTION #21: Don’t King James Bible believer’s “worship” the Bible? Didn’t God destroy the originals because He didn’t want these people to venerate them? ANSWER: No and no. EXPLANATION: Many critics of the perfect Bible have become very frustrated in recent years. This is due to the fact that their entire argument against the Bible…

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22. Are King James Bible believers a cult?

QUESTION #22: Aren’t King James Bible believers a cult? ANSWER: No. EXPLANATION: The charge that King James Bible believers are a cult is similar to the charge that they worship the Bible. It is a result of the same frustration and born of the same malice. Sadly, when facts do not prove them right, character…

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24. Who was Dean Burgon?

QUESTION #24: Who was Dean Burgon? ANSWER: He was an outstanding 19th century Bible scholar. EXPLANATION: John William Burgon (1813-1888) was a man of tremendous intellect and ranks among men such a Lancelot Andrews (1555-1626) and Robert Dick Wilson (1856-1930) in scholarship. He became the Dean of Chichester and has since been known as “Dean”…

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27. Do Christians who use other Bibles hate God?

QUESTION #27: Do Christians and Preachers who use other bibles “hate God?” ANSWER: No, although some may abhor the thought of being in subjection to “a Book.” EXPLANATION: In Mark 9:38-41 we find the disciples upset with someone who did not “follow ” them. Yet the Lord told them to leave the man alone. God…

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28. Is the King James Bible inspired or preserved?

QUESTION #28: Is the King James Bible inspired or preserved? ANSWER: The original autographs were inspired. The King James Bible is those same autographs preserved up to today. EXPLANATION: The best way to simply describe inspiration and preservation of the Bible is as follows: Inspiration is when God takes a blank piece of paper (papyrus,…

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29. Can a translation be inspired?

QUESTION #29: Can a translation be inspired? ANSWER: Yes, God has inspired several. EXPLANATION: In the Book of Genesis, chapters 42-45, we have the record of Joseph’s reunion with his brethren. That Joseph spoke Egyptian instead of Hebrew is evident by Genesis 42:23. “And they knew not that Joseph understood them; for he spake unto…

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30. Can a translation be as good as the originals?

QUESTION #30: The King James Bible is a mere translation from Greek to English. A translation can’t be as good as the originals, can it? ANSWER: A translation cannot only be “as good” as the originals, but better. EXPLANATION: There are three “translations” spoken of in the Bible. In all three cases, the translation referred…

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