Letter #105
We were in Australia for most of March. We had souls saved and various folks make decisions for the Lord in the five meetings we had. The spirit was good and so was the fellowship with both the missionaries and Aussies we were with.
Surgery Update
I told you in the Feb. Letter I was going to try to have the surgery on my neck done in 2009. Well, something happened just prior to leaving for Australia that convinced me I shouldn’t wait. My plan was to cancel June – August of 2008 and get the surgery done this year. Just before leaving Kathy contacted the doctor in Detroit. They wanted a mylegram & Cat Scan done. A good friend in Texas arranged for me to have both just after our return to the U.S.
Upon our return I had both. The news wasn’t very good. I have been diagnosed with “Degenerative Disc Disease.” I have known for years that discs C4 & C5 had collapsed. The Cat Scan showed that C3 has begun the same process. It also showed that one of the bone spurs is pushing into my spinal cord.
We sent a copy of the report, not the films, to Detroit and waited…and waited…and waited. Finally, two-and-a-half weeks later we were told the doctor would not accept me as a patient. It may be because I was not recommended by another doctor. It may be because the doctor never saw the films, only the report. It may be because I never met the doctor personally. Well, for whatever reason the door is shut. I can frankly tell you that I truly believed that both the timing and the doctor were right. I was wrong. No, I don’t know what I’ll do now except to proceed with “business as usual.”
I will say that as of right now, at any time, I may cancel whatever meetings I have to and have the surgery. I wanted to keep from hanging any pastor out on the line due to a sudden cancellation but that may not be possible.
I have no idea what the Lord is doing in this area. I really believed this was of the Lord but I now know I was wrong. I have no idea of how I will know when it really is the right doctor and the right time.
Thank you for all the doctor’s names your going to send me.
The Cough
Just before leaving for Australia I saw another doctor about this cough. He couldn’t figure it out but said it was either; bronchitis, asthma or congestive heart failure. The first and last were ruled out so he thought it might be asthma. He gave me a month’s prescription for Prednisone. In about the three days the cough started to diminish. The prescription lasted for our time overseas which was blissfully “cough free.” Three days after running out I felt the congestion coming back. I am now back to coughing myself dizzy. It happens when I preach, try to sleep or, just generally all day and all night. We are still trying to find what it is and how to get rid of it.
When it rains, it pours
The day after getting the negative response from the Detroit surgeon we drove to Cheyenne, WY for a meeting. We picked up our mail there. In the mail was a notice from the IRS that they are auditing us again. They have decided to get all the meat off the bones. I’ll let you now how our new prison ministry works out.
Through it all
I want you to know we have no intention of suspending our ministry in anyway. We are going to keep at it as we have been. We are not mad at God. I also want you to know that I love my wife and that she is a wonderful woman. Please pray for Kathy as this is very hard on her.
New Projects
I am just finishing two new books. More Fight On! Stories and Selected Sermons, Vol. 3. There’s still a bit of work to do so I’ll let you know when they are ready.
We now have the posters in postcard form. There’re 15 different posters in each packet. A packet costs $4.95. Call: 800-311-1823 or check www.Daystarpublishing.org.
I recently met a pastor from Pennsylvania who had We Are Americans delivered to every member of the Pennsylvania House and Senate. If anyone is willing to give We Are Americans out to the public I will give you 400 for $100. These are not to be sold. These are not to be given out to church members. They are to be given out to the lost American public. Some years ago I gave boxes of Living With Pain to churches for fund raisers. Many of them ended up in church bookstores or handed out to church members. I cannot police unscrupulous people and won’t try. I am trying to do something for America! If you can’t be honest I can’t do anything about that.
Too Late
I had held this letter back until hearing from the surgeon to give you an update. I had hoped to hear from her in time to again offer April 25 as a day of Prayer & Repentance for America. We were contacted too late to do that. But, we still kept April 25th. I am sure the Lord would still notice if you simply chose a day and fasted for our country even if it wasn’t part of a national effort. Will you?
For Your Information
Here are some ministry internet addresses that you may want to check on. www.mogulus.com/samgipp. This site has some of my sermons in video form. gippletterupdate@dejazzd.com. This address is for those who move and still want the letter. We pay about $50 every month on folks who never send in an address change and their letter is sent back.
Well, I’d better go for now. God bless you all and Thank You for your prayers!
In Christ’s Service,
Samuel C. Gipp, Ph. D.