February 2025

Dear Friends,


In 2024 I preached in: Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Idaho, Tennessee, Oklahoma, New York, Washington, California, Illinois, Virginia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Nevada, Texas, New Jersey, West Virginia, Alabama, Florida, and Canada.

During our summer driving tour we drove 9,000 miles and flew 10,000 miles. Heading for Las Vegas we dumped the transmission in our truck and literally limped into town where we dropped $7,000 on the new one. (Vacation all year long!)

All-in-all I had 55 appointments to preach and preached 187 times. Kathy & I still love being on the road!

New Books

In the last letter I mentioned that my newest book was at the printer. It is about scripture translated into English. (At the time I wrote my last letter I thought the list was complete. But then, due to continuing research I found several hundred more translations, for a total of 1,880 translations of some portion of scripture into English.)

The poor folks at DayStar Publishing received numerous calls for the book but it wasn’t finished yet. I have gone through this manuscript over 20 times to make sure I haven’t missed any translations or that there’s any faulty information in it. That is why it has taken so long to get it done. This book has been a six-year project.

If you’re interested in getting a copy, wait about two months then check at: daystarpublishing.com for availability, or call: 1-800-311-1823

I am very close to finishing a book I have been working on for over 15 years. It is a catalog of all the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. I have traveled to England twice to inspect the manuscripts they have at the British Library in London. I have also accessed some manuscripts that are privately owned.

Books like these two are usually written by men who have an army of staff as well as willing students to help gather, collate and format the information. I don’t have that luxury therefore I do all the work personally and have to check and recheck it for accuracy. That takes a lot of time!


TVBBI is dedicated to helping churches as well as missionaries, pastors and evangelists. To help with that goal we have initiated an “Intern” program where we send students to help preachers during the summer months. I hammer our students to be servants and to find some way to help preachers.

Last summer we sent a young man to Colombia and a young lady to Thailand. This summer we have young men going to churches in Montana and West Virginia. If you are a missionary, or a pastor and wish to have some summer help, call me at:330-685-2578. I can’t guarantee we can help, but we’ll surely try!

Kathy & I

Our physical battles remain but so does our determination to keep going.

Never forget, your prayers keep us going! I simply cannot convey the effect your prayers have on our ability to keep going. Kathy and I are so very grateful to all of you who uphold us in your prayers.

Thank you, again!

In Christ’s Service,

Samuel C. Gipp

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