38. Is the New King James Version an improvement over the KJV?

QUESTION #38: The New King James Version is based on the Antiochian manuscripts. Is it an improvement over the King James Bible? ANSWER: No. EXPLANATION: The New King James Version is to the English Bible what the Alexandrian manuscripts are to Greek. A corruption of a pure text by men who hold the deplorable doctrine…

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35. Can someone be saved from a Bible other than the KJV?

QUESTION #35: Can someone get saved if you are using a bible other than the King James? ANSWER: Yes. EXPLANATION: Generally, the facts surrounding the gospel of Jesus Christ and the simplicity of salvation are found intact even in the grossest perversions of Scripture. It must be remembered though that the Bible is a weapon…

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34. Didn’t the first King James Bible contain the Apocrypha?

QUESTION #34: Didn’t the King James Bible when first printed contain the Apocrypha? ANSWER: Yes. EXPLANATION: Many critics of the perfect Bible like to point out that the original King James had the Apocrypha in it as though that fact compromises its integrity. But several things must be examined to get the factual picture. First,…

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30. Can a translation be as good as the originals?

QUESTION #30: The King James Bible is a mere translation from Greek to English. A translation can’t be as good as the originals, can it? ANSWER: A translation cannot only be “as good” as the originals, but better. EXPLANATION: There are three “translations” spoken of in the Bible. In all three cases, the translation referred…

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29. Can a translation be inspired?

QUESTION #29: Can a translation be inspired? ANSWER: Yes, God has inspired several. EXPLANATION: In the Book of Genesis, chapters 42-45, we have the record of Joseph’s reunion with his brethren. That Joseph spoke Egyptian instead of Hebrew is evident by Genesis 42:23. “And they knew not that Joseph understood them; for he spake unto…

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