Remember Bill Cosby

We are aware of the heinous crimes of comedian and actor Bill Cosby. What he did was illegal and repulsive. I am not opposed to such crimes being revealed and stern justice meted out.

I am not going to address either his crimes or his punishment. I wish to address the timing of his crimes being exposed. If you followed him at all you would know that in the years just before his crimes were revealed he was becoming a loud, conservative, moral voice in the Black community. He was urging Blacks to be civil and to work hard. This is not what liberal politicians want!

The next thing you know, we find out about his crimes, he is quickly tried, sentenced and disposed of. Do I think he was innocent? Nope. He was a criminal who got what he had coming.

But I do not for a minute believe “the powers that be” prosecuted him for his crimes. We have all seen “Selective Law Enforcement” being practiced in our country. If you’re Democrat you burn cities, assault people, murder people, fix elections and commit just about any lawless act with impunity. If you are a Republican you will be imprisoned and tortured just for calmly walking through the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Have you ever wondered why some prominent movie stars, sports figures or even politicians aren’t “taking up the cause” and exposing fraud or attacking our country’s enemies? I believe the reason is that “They” have Cosby-like crimes on most of them. As long as they’re quiet they can live in peace. Get too loud and…“Remember Bill Cosby.”

But now with Artificial Intelligence they will be able to fake photos, load incriminating files on the computers of targeted conservatives and produce any “evidence” they need to dispose of anyone who gives them too much trouble. Get too loud and prepare to share a cell with Bill Cosby!

Can we fight it? Can we thwart it it? Can we overcome their sabotage? I doubt it. Can the Lord? Yep. Without a doubt. But remember that when He judges a country, it’s like sinking a boat, everybody goes down with the ship, Christians included. Review the judgements He executed on His people, the Jews, in the Old Testament and you will see that terrible things happened to innocent people once Judgement was executed on the entire country.

But, don’t be surprised when prominent conservatives are assassinated, either literally or legally. Our country is now run by cold-blooded killers and anyone that they feel is in their way will be disposed of. I know you think that you are a special case and that God will defend you but let the “less deserving” swing in the wind. Can you imagine your shock if a day comes when you find out you were mistaken?

What should do? I’ve said it before. Get in church! Instead of “recovering” from your Christianity you need to renew it. Get in your Bible! Someone’s book on “How to Survive the Coming Crash” is the wrong book to be preoccupied with. Throw yourself at the mercy of God! His mercy is our only hope. And…Remember Bill Cosby!


  1. Larry on September 25, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    I don’t know if he was guilty(probably), but how would we ever know for sure?
    I’ve said for a number of years now, that “they” started hassling him soon after he gave a talk at the Jell-O museum in LeRoy here in Upstate NY, close to where I am in Greece,NY.
    I recall that one of the things he said was for Black fathers to take care of their families. It caused quite an uproar here in The People’s Republick of N.Y.
    The rest of this essay is tough to think about, but very true!

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