What Did You Do With It?
What Did You Do With It?
When Barak Obama was in our White House we thought the country would soon fall. Then, in 2016 Donald Trump was elected president for the first time. Conservatives and Christians alike rejoiced that God had spared our country and given us, at least, four years to live in peace and to service Him in the last days before the Blessed Hope.
Many who prayed for Trump’s election told the Lord they just wanted four years to win souls and serve Him before He came and took us away. God had answered our prayers! Then, Trump was cheated out of his second term and we got someone “Worse-than-Obama” in our White House. We worried about having our guns confiscated, Illegals murdering us or “Big Brother” government forcing its will on us. Then, Trump ran again and we returned to the same prayers of 2015-16… and God answered! Suddenly Christians are free of the ogre of Democrat tyranny! Praise the Lord!
BUT, review your service to the Lord during Trump’s first term. Were your soul winning efforts increased? Did your Bible reading increase? Did your church attendance increase? Did your mission giving increase? Did you do any of the things that you told God you would do if He spared us from Democrat wickedness? If not, you lied to God just to save your own hide!
But no, I’m not going to sling guilt at you if you didn’t live up to your promises to God during 2016-2020. What I’m going to say is, if you didn’t live up to the things you told God in 2016, and probably repeated during his second campaign, what are you going to do this time around? Are you willing to make changes in your life that will put God ahead of yourself? Is your life for Him going to cost you anything? Did you mean what you prayed or did you simply pray a “Foxhole” prayer: “God, get me out of this and I’ll serve You forever!”? Then, He got you out of it and you forgot every promise you made!
Don’t take it for granted that after Trump finishes this term we will automatically get eight more with Vance. Just because the Democrats are wicked doesn’t mean they’re stupid. We can’t even imagine their plans for 2028. What, you think the Lord will return before then? Isn’t that what you thought in 2016?
Do I believe we’ll be here for another decade. No! But, concerning the timing of the Lord’s return, like you, I’ve been wrong before. So have you.
The election of Donald trump has retained our freedom for one election cycle, nothing more. What the Lord has given you is four years to accrue rewards for eternity. What? You say you don’t serve the Lord for “rewards.?” Baloney! You won’t buy gas or groceries unless they give you a reward. You have “reward” accounts in multiple stores. Everything you do you look for a “reward.” but these rewards are eternal and you only have four years.
Will you use them wisely?