Letter 167

Trump: the Dictator!

Since Donald Trump was elected president for the third time Democrats have been trying to fabricate a charge that will tarnish his image to the American people. The latest is, “Trump’s acting like a dictator!”

Instead of going on the defensive and denying that charge let’s examine it. Since President Trump has taken office:

  1. He hasn’t told the banks to inform on every customer who deposits $600 or more.
  2. He hasn’t said he wants you to turn in your gun.
  3. He hasn’t called parents, “Terrorists” for disagreeing with his public school policies.
  4. He hasn’t said that anyone who disagrees with him is using “Hate Speech.”
  5. He hasn’t flown illegal emigrants all over the country.
  6. He hasn’t abandoned his duty to secure our borders.
  7. He hasn’t made any DEI appointments.
  8. He hasn’t degraded our military with his religious fanaticism.
  9. He hasn’t abandoned victims of natural disasters if they agree with his political opponents.
  10. He has jailed innocent citizens as “Insurgents” after inviting them into the US Capitol building.
  11. He has raided the homes of his political rivals.
  12. He hasn’t left billions of dollars of military equipment for terrorists to kill people with.
  13. He hasn’t sent billions of taxpayers dollars to help a dictator purchase yachts and mansions.
  14. He hasn’t told your children they aren’t the gender they were born with.
  15. He hasn’t pardoned any rapists, murderers, terrorists or criminal family members.

I think, as successful as Donald trump has been in business and political ventures, he has been a complete failure at being a dictator!

Do You Believe in “Calvary”?

What I mean is: do you believe there was a physical place outside the old city of Jerusalem where the Romans crucified their prisoners and that Jesus Christ was crucified there? Most people, even non-Christians believe in Calvary. But, if you believe in Calvary, do you know WHY you believe in it? Anyone who believes in Calvary does so for only one reason, Luke 23:33 – And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.

This is the single, ONLY time the word appears in the Bible. You say, “But it’s in our hymnal!” Correct, but it got to the hymnal from Luke 23.

There is no “Calvary” in most modern versions. They replace it with “skull.” Do you want consistency? Then if your church uses a modern version tell them to change every reference to that old, archaic King James Bible word and write in the modern word. Then go to church and sing…”Skull Made the Difference”, “I’ve Been to Skull!” and “Lead Me to Skull.”

If you use a modern version you have no business deleting the words from the King James Bible that you want to and accepting the ones you like. Either get rid of them all or keep them all.

If you own a modern version, go check the reference.

This horrible corruption shows the danger of changing even one word of the sacred text.

Meeting the 7000

Allen Donnally

Bro. Donnally is 66 hears old. He’s been saved for forty-four years. He is ordained. He has served the Lord for many years, including the pastorate. He has a ministry entitled: “Barnabas Ministry of Helps.

Under this ministry he has “Operation Jericho”, where church members are able to get the gospel to their entire city, plus he helps churches with Vacation Bible School, does one-on-one personal devotions, Mission programs, Kids ministries, Sunday School, New Converts teaching, Pastor’s Appreciation Day, and just about anything a pastor needs help with. He will church maintenance if it’s needed. He even has a CDL driver’s license.

His wife of 42 years went to Heaven in 2024. He is alone. He would need nothing more than:

  • A place to park his24 foot travel trailer
  • Instructions on what needs done.

This brother loves local churches and pastors and wants to spend his remaining year traveling the country and helping pastors in anyway he can. He asks for no remuneration.

If you are interested in his help you can call our pastor: Rick Demichele at: 208-888-4545. Or you can call Brother Donnally direct at: 301-310-7893 He just wants to help.

Fight On!

“Buck” is all the name that remains of a hard rock miner in the Silverton, Colorado area in the mid Twentieth Century. He was a rough character who didn’t always operate within legal limits while hunting. But Buck was a bull of a man and was a partner any man in the mine was glad to have.

One day Buck’s mining partner descended a shaft in the mine and immediately passed out. Gas! Odorless. Tasteless. Invisible. Deadly. It dropped men in seconds. The “Standard Operating Procedure” when a man saw another man go down in gas was to go for help. If the man attempted a rescue, nine-times-out-of-ten he too would be overcome and both men would die. Unfortunately the “Standard Operating Procedure” usually assured the death of the man affected by the gas since help always arrived too late to save him.

Buck would have no part of any miner dying while he was his partner. Against the rules he quickly descended the ladder, picked up his partner and threw him over his shoulder. It was an extremely difficult task to climb straight up a mine ladder with a man on his back. Buck was puffing when he reached the safety of the upper level. He gently laid his still breathing partner down…and promptly fell over and died. He had been determined to save this the man’s life no matter what it cost him. He gave the ultimate sacrifice. Fight on!

UFOs Everywhere!

Have you noticed that since Trump was elected the Internet is full of pictures of UFOs? They’re everywhere! With Biden and the Communists out of power UFO videos have fill the vacuum left behind. Do I believe in UFOs? Yes. Do I believe they come from outer space? No. Do I think they’ll make contact with us? Most likely.

Dr. Ruckman predicted that UFOs would land and cohabitate with humans. Sound crazy? So do all the UFOs we see on the Internet.

But there one thing that we must sadly accept as reality. In the age of AI and very talented videographers we can no longer be certain that “seeing is believing.”

Trump’s Clean-up

If not for Trump’s first term we would never have known how corrupt the News Industry, profession sports and many government figures really were. Now with his second term we are finding out just how many millions of dollars of our tax money is being wasted by frivolous government programs.

Anyone working in or for the government that has been bilking our country for money needs to be arrested and sent to prison for their crimes.

That, in itself may totally eliminate the Democrat Party!

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