Letter 166

Jesus is “Fake News”

Klaus Schwab, the Nazi that owns the World Economic Forum, has declared that “Jesus is the original fake news.” Schwab is apparently offering, (“I got a deal you can’t say ‘No’ to.”) a One-world religion that he claims will replace Christianity.

We Christians have known this was coming in some form for years. Never forget: there are two groups that world leaders hate and must destroy to get to take complete control of the entire globe, Jews and Christians. (I didn’t say “Catholics.”) This is why all white European countries have opened their doors wide to the group who promises to kill all of us for them.

We Are Gods!

The close assistant to the Nazi, Klaus Schwab, Noah Harai (The Anti-christ?) has announced that the WEF is able to make gods of humans with the power of “creation and destruction.” (I’m sure they’ll be good at the latter.)

The time is close at hand that even nominal Christians will not be able to remain silent and will be forced to stand for Christ.


I have always been a “Back the Blue” guy. I pray everyday for the safety of our Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) and the safety of their families. When I see a police car I pray for the officers in it and if their lights are flashing and could be headed for some dangerous situation I pray for God to protect them.

But, we have all seen too many examples of LEOs enforcing Woke philosophy rather than common sense and the law, protecting criminals and illegal invaders rather than the citizens of the towns, cities and states they claim to “Serve and Protect.” Many have become MEOs, “Mandate Enforcement Officers.” Mandates are not laws. Mandates are actually dictates rather than laws. They are the edicts of over-inflated wannabe dictators who would have no power over us if they had no MEOs to force our compliance.

Why are they doing this? It’s really very simple. They are afraid that if they don’t enforce the mandates of dictators they will lose their pension! That is it. I’m sure that there are some liberal LEOs who slavishly follow the “Woke” religion. But most of them are just like you and me and do not believe in “Wokeness.” But, just like you and me they worry about their future income when they are forced to retire. Disobeying their “Woke” Masters could cost them their jobs and pension and, whether you like it or not, they let that influence their actions.

No dictator can rise to power without the backing of LEOs and the military. At some point in the near future the “Woke” dictators are going to demand that our LEOs crush any resistance to their edicts. If our LEOs then become MEOs they will be just as much our enemy as their communist masters.

At some point all LEOs will have to chose sides and pick either the citizenry and freedom or their pensions and slavery for our entire nation.

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
John 3:36

Meeting the 7000

Bro. Roy Bell

Before he got saved Roy Bell was a hardened criminal. He was a biker, a thief and a violent offender. Then Roy trusted the Lord but failed to make Him the LORD of his life and things got even worse and he ended up in prison for the rest of his life. Once inside he got right and became a Chaplin’s assistant and settled in to do that for the rest of his life. Then COVID hit and masses of “Lifers” were released from prison. Roy was one of them. God was merciful to Roy and now he attends a great church in Las Vegas and travels and preaches in evangelism glorifying the God who was so good to him.

Roy is 75 and is a human dynamo for the Lord. He is filled with energy and appreciation for God’s grace and mercy in his life. Are you?

Can We Handle the Future Emotionally?

The most basic instinct within us is to survive. What if you do but your family, your friends and the people you look to for guidance don’t? Can Americans mentally handle the trauma of losing everyone and everything they have? The first casualty will be the Constitution. The next will be the life we have always known. Peace and security will be gone, replaced by fear and insecurity. Quite frankly, I believe many will handle all this like the business men did when the Stock Market crashed in 1929. They will kill themselves.

Your ONLY HOPE is the MERCY of God!

Don’t Laugh at Them

Don’t dismiss our enemies because they are “ignorant”, “untrained” or “effeminate.” Way too many wars have been started with the confident statement, “We’ll whip them in six months” and then the war went on for years.

A great many gun owners are not trained in the most rudimentary military maneuvers. You know that Biden is giving these invaders rudimentary military training. That is a far greater issue than you might think. We will be unprepared and unskilled when they attack our homes.

Your ONLY HOPE is the MERCY of God!

Have You Thought About This?

Other than our War for Independence, the War of 1812 and the Civil War, American soldiers have always fought their enemy with their families safely living 10,000 miles away on a different continent. The coming Civil War will be fought in your front yard with your terrified family huddled in a bedroom or basement.

If you hear that an armed mob of Biden’s murderers are sweeping toward your neighborhood are you going to leave your family and head for the prearranged “rally point” to join your militia group?

Your ONLY HOPE is the MERCY of God!

Our GREATEST Disadvantage

Two hundred and fifty years ago our Fore-Father colonists defeated the British. One of the reasons is that they fought in a manner unfamiliar to the well-trained British. When the British lined up, shoulder-to-shoulder in their nice red coats the Colonist hid behind trees and mowed them down. The British simply couldn’t sort that out and deal with it.

If we have a civil war we will be hampered by our morality and mercy. We would never shoot a woman or child. We respect the weak and wounded. This may be our fatal disadvantage!

We will be fighting an enemy with all the mercy of a hungry lion. They will kill and kill and kill. They will show no mercy to women, children, the aged or wounded. Ask the Israelis!!!

God’s Advantage

The devil can destroy. So can God. But one thing God can do that the devil can’t is to show mercy! Ask God to save our country by His mercy. All the universe would marvel at His mercy.

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