Posts by Samuel C. Gipp
48. How can the 1611 King James Bible come from the 1633 Textus Receptus?
QUESTION #48: The Textus Receptus didn’t appear until 1633 so how can the King James Bible, which was translated in 1611, be translated from it? ANSWER: Wrong. EXPLANATION: The Greek text which was used for the translation of the King James Bible extends back through history to the pens of Moses, David, Paul, John and…
Read More47. What about “nuggets” found only in the Greek New Testament?
QUESTION #47: What about “nuggets” found only in the Greek? ANSWER: Why settle for “nuggets” when you can own the whole mine? EXPLANATION: Most “nuggets” that preachers find in the Greek exist only in the fantasy of their minds. First, anyone who believes that the Bible is the perfect word of God, cannot believe that…
Read More46. What is a Ruckmanite?
QUESTION #46: What is a “Ruckmanite?” ANSWER: “Ruckmanite” is a name Bible critics call anyone who disagrees with them. EXPLANATION: Peter Sturges Ruckman was born in 1921. He has spent years studying the manuscript history of the Bible. He received his doctorate in philosophy from Bob Jones University. He has personally founded or helped to…
Read More45. Can’t modern Greeks better understand the Greek New Testament and correct the Bible?
QUESTION #45: Can a person of Greek ethnic origin better understand the Greek New Testament and therefore correct the English Bible? ANSWER: No. EXPLANATION: The Greek language as found in the New Testament and the modern Greek language is spoken in Greece are so vastly different from each other as to be non-interchangeable one with…
Read More44. Who were Westcott and Hort?
QUESTION #44: Who were Westcott and Hort? ANSWER: Two unsaved Bible critics. EXPLANATION: Brook Foss Westcott (1825-1903) and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) were two non-Christian Anglican ministers. Fully steeped in the Alexandrian philosophy that “there is no perfect Bible”, they had a vicious distaste for the King James Bible and its Antiochian Greek text,…
Read More43. Isn’t the devil behind the confusion over Bible translations?
QUESTION #43: Isn’t the devil behind all the confusion and fighting over Bible versions? ANSWER: Undoubtedly. EXPLANATION: It is a great irony that many of the critics of the Bible claim rather indignantly that the devil is behind the battle over the King James Bible. In this they are correct. But somehow they have managed…
Read More42. Aren’t modern English translations easier to understand?
QUESTION #42: Aren’t modern English translations easier to understand? ANSWER: No. Some may seem easier to read, but none are easier to understand. EXPLANATION: One of the primary advertising gimmicks used to sell modern English translations is that they will be easier to understand for the potential customers. The customer, having been assured that he/she…
Read More41. Haven’t new manuscripts been discovered since the King James Bible was translated?
QUESTION #41: I’ve heard that there have been many manuscripts discovered since 1611 that the King James translators didn’t have access to. Do these strengthen or weaken the King James Bible? ANSWER: They strengthen the King James Bible. EXPLANATION: There have been many manuscripts found since 1611, but there have been no new READINGS found.…
Read More40. Is the New International Version trustworthy?
QUESTION #40: Is the New International Version trustworthy? ANSWER: No. EXPLANATION: The New International Version is based on the 26th edition of the Greek text of Eberhard Nestle published in 1979. It, like the New American Standard Version which is based on Nestle’s 23rd edition of 1969, is an Egyptian bible. These and most modern…
Read More39. Isn’t the New Scofield Bible a King James Bible?
QUESTION #39: Isn’t the New Scofield Bible a King James Bible’? ANSWER: Not only is the New Scofield Bible NOT a King James Bible, it is not even a “Scofield” Bible. EXPLANATION: The first and most weighty reason why the New Scofield Bible is not a Scofield Bible at all is shamefully simple. Dr. C.I.…
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