18. Is the KJV God’s Word because I got saved through it?

QUESTION #18: Someone said, “The King James Bible is the word of God because I got saved through it!” Is that statement correct? ANSWER: No. EXPLANATION: The Bible is infallible and perfect without any influence by any sinner. By accepting Christ as our personal Saviour we impart nothing to Scripture, though God imparts eternal life…

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17. Who was the KJV Bible translated for?

QUESTION #17: If King James didn’t authorize the Bible for use in churches, who was it translated for? ANSWER: The common man. EXPLANATION: There is so much made of the perfection, or supposed imperfection, of the Bible that one element in the equation is often overlooked. That is, the reason for having a perfect Bible…

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14. Did the translators of the KJV claim to be inspired?

QUESTION #14: Did the translators of the Authorized Version claim to be inspired by God? ANSWER: No. But Biblically that does not mean that they could not have been inspired. EXPLANATION: The men on the translation committee of the King James Bible were, without dispute, the most learned men of their day and vastly qualified…

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13. Where was the Bible before 1611?

QUESTION #13: Where was the Bible before 1611? ANSWER: In the available Antiochian manuscripts. EXPLANATION: Critics of the perfect Bible like to throw out this question as though it will “stun” Bible believers. It doesn’t. The overwhelming majority of Bible manuscripts existent throughout history have been the text found in Antioch. They have always been…

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12. Don’t some great men use Bibles other than the KJV?

QUESTION #12: Aren’t there some great men who use other versions? ANSWER: Yes, but they are all in subjection to the perfect Bible. EXPLANATION: There are preachers who are considered “great” by many who either openly or covertly disdain the concept of the Bible being perfect. They correct it with regularity and openly attack those…

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11. Should the italicized words in the KJV be removed?

QUESTION #11: I’ve heard that the italicized words in the King James Bible should be removed because they were added by the translators. Should they be removed? ANSWER: If we remove any of the italicized words we must either remove them ALL or accept them ALL as Scripture. EXPLANATION: Following are the problems with removing…

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10. Why Luke would declare the ASV Bible a fraud.

QUESTION #10: What does this statement mean? “The King James Bible was good enough for the Apostle Paul, so it’s good enough for me.” ANSWER: This statement is usually made in a sarcastic manner in order to embarrass Bible believers in their belief. The FACT is, the King James Bible WAS good enough for Paul.…

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9. What is the Septuagint?

QUESTION #9: What is the LXX? ANSWER: A figment of someone’s imagination. EXPLANATION: First, let’s define what the LXX is supposed to be. An ancient document called “The Letter of Aristeas” revealed a plan to make an OFFICIAL translation of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) in Greek. This translation was to be accepted as…

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