Treasure Valley Baptist Institute

Treasure Valley Baptist Bible Institute

During the evening service on Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019, Pastor Rick DeMichele appointed me as the president of Treasure Valley Baptist Bible Institute. He has been president for over 30 years. No, his health isn’t failing. He pastors a church of over 1,000 people and does a tremendous job of if. He simply has enough on his plate and asked me to do it.

The school has been in existence for over 30 years and has graduates pastoring church around the country as well as many missionaries serving on fields around the world. The goal has always been to train men for the ministry and/or educate church members so as to benefit the churches they attend.

Fears & Charges

Any and every Bible institute/college/university gets hit with some standard charges. I have heard many men say concerning Bible colleges, “He built that church off the school. If there was no school to feed it there wouldn’t be a church.” Well, Treasure Valley Baptist Church has existed for 41 years. When Pastor DeMichele took the church it had 175 people in it. Although he doesn’t count attendance every Sunday the church runs around 1,000. There are four buildings on the property, the latest one houses Treasure Valley Baptist Christian School. Attendance figures for the Bible institute are not huge so it can hardly be said the school built the church.

I have also heard some say of Bible colleges, “If I send my young men there they’ll keep my most talented people after they graduate. (God forbid that GOD might direct them somewhere that isn’t right back home!) Neither Pastor DeMichele nor I view any church as existing solely to feed its young people into TVBBI or any other school. Neither of us intend for TVBBI to be a “Talent Magnet” so we can suck the best people from someone else’s ministry simply to add them to TVBC.

Let me tell you two instances that will convey the heart of Pastor DeMichele. Last year we graduated an outstanding man. A good husband, father and dedicated Christian. He came here because he knew I was teaching. He feels called to preach. After graduating he spoke with Pastor DeMichele, not sure of what he should do. Instead of saying, “Well, just stay around here until you here from God.” Pastor DeMichele said, “Why don’t you go back to your home church and help your Pastor? He could use the help and it will be good experience for you.” That man is now in another state helping the church he came from.

In another instance a very good Brother with a very successful ministry called Pastor because he was thinking about relocating to our church. Pastor did an honest assessment and told him that the base for his ministry was better where he already was and that he might be wise not to move. He didn’t.

I share those with you so you know the heart that runs this ministry. None of us guarantee that all students will return home but I want you to know this pastor is not a predator.

Desires & Goals

The desire of TVBBI is that every student, even if they don’t graduate and only take a few classes, will learn their Bible in such a way that their lives will be improved for the glory of the Lord.

In the case of those who are called to preach we want to instill Bible knowledge that will best equip them for the ministry. In addition to that we want the atmosphere here to have a positive effect on their life spiritually. Head knowledge alone never made anyone a “Man of God.” The preaching at TVBC that comes from Pastor DeMichele and his guest speakers has been a real blessing to my wife & I. I told Bro. DeMichele, “You have been my friend for over 30 years but my pastor for only two and Kathy & I love having you as our pastor.”

I am also impressed with the members of TVBC. They legitimately care about visitors. I’ve watched what happens whenever someone visits. Someone always goes up to them and talks with them so they don’t feel like an outsider.

The economy in Meridian and the area around Boise is quite strong. Last week we had a married man & his family move here to go the TVBBI. His very first interview landed him a good job.

“Pastoral Authority” comes with the job. No man can pastor a church who doesn’t automatically inherit the authority to make judgement calls, both physical and spiritual. But, some have “gone to seed” on this truth and turned it into a dictatorial doctrine. Disagree with the pastor and not follow his advice and you are “out of the will of God” never to be right with God until you apologize. Pastor DeMichele does not feel that anyone who disagrees with him is “out of the will of God” and that it is his duty to see to it that he never succeeds in the ministry. He has an amazing amount of grace and wisdom.

Again, the first goal of TVBBI has always been and will continue to be training men for the ministry whether it be the pastorate, foreign missions or evangelism. The school faculty has men with years of practical experience in all three of these fields. Nobody gets taught anyone’s theory of how to do it. You get reports of how successful ministries were founded and sustained.

The TVBBI curriculum includes classes exclusive to the ministry. But it also has some that are exclusive to helping Christian ladies in their walk with the Lord as well as their responsibilities as a preacher’s wife. Again, there are numerous women in the church who can offer years of wisdom to young wives & mothers in their endeavor to be their best for the Lord.

In 1970 God called me to go to Bible college. I told the preacher that led me to Christ I wasn’t going to go because I knew the Lord would return before I would graduate and I didn’t want the Lord to come back and find me sitting in a classroom when I could be out doing something for Him. This Brother said, “If God wants you in Bible School that better be where you are when He comes!” Great advice! I entered the ministry at graduation in 1973 far better equipped than I would have been had I followed my own wisdom. (Or lack thereof!)

If you or someone you know desires to learn their Bible in a compressed, intense atmosphere that comes fully equipped with a great church, Treasure Valley Baptist Bible Institute might be for you. I can assure you we here will do our best to help in every way possible. You can go to the Internet site at: If you would rather, you can call Treasure Valley Baptist Church at: 208-888-4545.

I can say this from my heart, we will try in every way possible to help God’s people to improve themselves to better serve the Lord!


  1. Dan Survivale on June 19, 2019 at 3:15 pm

    Would love to see an online option, for those who do not live in the Boise area.

  2. Marsha Farley on August 18, 2019 at 4:08 pm

    Wish these classes were online.

  3. Morgan Sorensen on March 6, 2023 at 11:10 am

    Pastor Sam Gipp, Please explain to me, “When, and Where”, will the “Bema” JUDGMENT SEAT Of CHRIST take place, relative to the Tribulation, and its Time-Line ??

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