Letter #94


USAToday reported on Feb 21, 2006, that 16 states have legislation pending that will prohibit homosexuals from adopting children. Then they slipped and reported that this is the second major loss for perverts. The first was the trouncing of “gay marriage.”

…versus Fantasy

The very next day USAToday went into “damage control” mode and did a front page story about the perverted film “Brokeback Mountain,” a movie about two queer cowboys. (If you saw it you are wicked!) You see, they know that most Americans let the News Industry do all their thinking for them,so if they write a story making a movie about perverts seem accepted by the public, Americans will ignore the real losses of the perverts and think that the battle is already lost and quit resisting. Sooooo…. have you quit resisting?

(Maybe we should start playing “Cowboys & Queers.”)

“Rum-dumb” Rumsfeld

Recently one of our 35-year-old C-5 Galaxy cargo airplanes crashed. Our old C-130 cargo planes have developed wing box problems. Our 30-year-old A-10s have cracks in the wings. Our 35-year-old F-15s and 25-year-old F-117s and some of our bombers are restricted from flying “all out” because of age-related structural problems. The Air Force is about to decommission 880 F-15s. They were going to replace them with 750 F-22s. But that got cut by Congress to380. It was then watered down to 270. Then, “Rum-dumb” Rumsfeld cut another 90 of those. We are about to give the winningest air force in history a mere 180 front line fighters. With friends like Rumsfeld and Congress who needs enemies? An enemy couldn’t have destroyed 90 F-22s in one day!

Watch this! We are now scheduled to buy 1763 F-35 light fighters to replace the F-16. Watch what that figure gets whittled down to by America’s enemies in Congress.

Anniversaries the News Media Won’t Acknowledge

  1. The fall of the Soviet Union
  2. The murderous shoot-down of Flight 007.
  3. The Tieniman Square Massacre.
  4. The victorious end of the American Revolution.
  5. The Soviet Union’s defeat in Afghanistan.

Who Will You Believe, CNN or the NFL?

CNN keeps trying to terrify us with reports of a “bad” economy. In 2004 the National Football League set a record in ticket sales. This was the first time since…2003!

What About These Poll Numbers?

  • 63% of people surveyed in a recent poll think it’s OK to teach evolution in school.
  • 76% think it’s OK to teach Creation in school.

Meeting the 7000

Mrs. Mary Weisner

While waiting at the gate to fly out of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Kathy saw a very old lady, in a wheelchair, all alone waiting for the plane. She went and spoke with her. What a lady! Her name was Mary Weisner. She was 92years old and had flown to PNG alone as she does every year. She had married a Marine who had served in New Guinea during WWII. They lived an ungodly life. At 36 years old they got saved and Bro. Weisner felt called back to PNG to be a missionary. When they arrived in 1965 the village they went to was a “refuge” village. That meant it was a stronghold for murderers and criminals where police would never enter. In they went. Over the next four decades, they started several churches and adopted seven native children. (One is the pastor of a church they started.) Their village is an eleven-hour march through the jungle. When Mr. Weisner died three years ago Mrs. Weisner had to come back to the states.She now lives in North Carolina and flies alone to PNG every year to visit her old mission field. She’s suffered a broken back but that still doesn’t stop her. Kathy asked her if the different environments affected her sleeping and she returned, “Oh, I could sleep on a pile of coconuts!” From PNG she was going to Singapore for a week where she said she would see a Muslim taxi driver she has been witnessing to for 20 years.

This dear old Sister has been serving Christ most of her life and hasn’t discovered she’s supposed to be too old to keep going.

This Is a Test

They ate him. They were Mohawks. He was a settler. They gouged out his eyes, cut off his nose and ears and then scalped him while he was still alive. They slashed his abdomen open and laughed as his bowels fell out. Then they ripped his chest open and tore out his heart and passed it around, eating it raw. Then they cut him up, cooked him and ate him.

Did you just say, “Well, he had it coming. White men stole the Indians’ land.”?Are you more “offended” because I reported this atrocity than you are with the Indians for perpetrating it? This was a test to see if your thinking has been programmed and enforced by your TV. If you got upset with anyone but the Indians you’re an idiot who is unable to think for yourself.

THE Lesson of Hurricane Katrina

If you think Hurricane Katrina was the judgment of God on New Orleans then beware. Good King James Bible believers lost everything. God didn’t spare them. Thus, if God judges America don’t be so foolhardy as to believe you will escape judgment or so piously stupid as to say, “I don’t care if it hits me too, just so America gets what it deserves.” Maybe we should pray for revival.

Fight On!

When World War II broke out, mild-mannered Freddie Tilston left his job in Windsor, Ontario, at the Sterling Drugs Co. and joined the Canadian Army. He soon found himself an officer. In March of 1945 his 2nd Canadian Division soldiers were slugging it out with desperate, battle-hardened German troops in the Hochwald Forest. Major Tilston led his men courageously during the battle. Although he had an eye shot out and a wound in the hip, he fearlessly crossed an open field six times to get more ammunition for his men whileGerman fire attempted to end his heroic effort.

Finally, a mortar round hit near him and both of his legs were mangled. He refused medical evacuation until German resistance ended. As a result of his wounds, both of his legs had to be amputated. But that wouldn’t stop this charging Canadian. He returned to his job at Sterling Drugs on artificial legs. Ever aggressive, he was soon appointed vice president of sales. He then went on to become the company president. Not one to stop while an objective remained unsecured, he ended his tenure at Sterling as chairman of the board.

In war and peace, he had learned the value of being aggressive. Fight On!


In 1994 18% of the homeless bums in rescue missions were women. In 2004 it was 23%.

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